Generative Painting / Tandem


Everything has its beauty but not everyone sees it.

Andy Warhol

Clarity and encounter in focus. Conflict resolution and couple work meets creativity.

  • You are curios to go on a journey that with your partner with a visible result?

  • You would like to experience something new together?

  • You wish to intensify the connection with your partner by sharing openly what really matters to you?

  • You intend to create memorable Moments and experiences and to make your common vision visible to the world?

  • You feel stuck in a challenging situation?

Generative Painting / Tandem is well suited for conflict resolution, couple counseling and for developing common visions for partners in a private or professional context. It can also simply be an opportunity to get to know yourself and your partner better.

Are you curios?

I invite you on a common journey – online, in your environment or in my coaching studio.

What an unexpected journey. Co-creative power through past, NOW and future. Sensations, Images, Movement, Emotions, Meaning. Thank you for your mindful navigation through new territory. I highly recommend this experience - with your new or ‘well-known’ partner. When was the last time you tried something new? Go for it. You will be surprised.
— Tanja Schweda
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