English Generative Painting Coaching art.space

Generative Painting


People have so many feelings they are unable to express. When you put those feelings on canvas, you make them real. It‘s like music. Hard to describe but easy to feel and share.

Katrin Karu, Estonian Artist


  • Are you ready to explore and experience yourself in a different way?

  • Are you asking yourself how to create a meaningful and successful life?

  • Are you longing to transform inner obstacles into meaningful and visible actions in your life?

  • Do you wish to create amazing and fulfilling relationships?

  • Are you curious to sense and express your art freely?

  • Do you want to create and cultivate a good and loving connection with yourself, your body and your past?

  • Are you dreaming of getting in touch with your true and unique creative potential?


In a Generative Painting session you express your inner world freely through colors, movements and shapes. By experiencing and re-connecting to your true creative potential and inner wisdom you will be able to inspire yourself and realize that you have all you need within.

You are enough. We simply re-create a connection to what is inside.

I support you - with a clear intention or in a very explorative way -to use your whole being as a source of wisdom and creativity, to sense and try out new choices and to experience a variety of options for action. With a permanent visible result - the work of your inner artist.


Generative Painting is a beautiful, powerful, and transformational experience that supports you in making authentic changes in your life - aligned with what you really want – so that you can feel more of your natural joy and inner freedom.


Being deeply connected to a vision of the future and bringing it to the canvas enables you to activate and experience the desired change within your body immediately at the moment of painting – with all the emotions and feelings that go with it. Since the energy follows attention, this embodied vision is a powerful reminder and aid to your next steps.

Generative Painting is a journey to connect conscious intentions with the full creative potential of the unknown so that holistic solutions can be found - for body, mind and soul.


Generative Painting is an approach based on the latest neuroscientific findings. As our reality is created by each one of us individually, Generative Painting supports this process by raising awareness and consciously directing attention and energy throughout the painting process.

Colors also allow us to shape visions where words are not enough. By bringing the inside out into the conscious perception, obstacles can be felt, patterns can be changed and new visions tangible and alive.


The process remains alive in your everyday life because new emotions, sensations, and feelings are “woven” into the canvas during the painting process. The successful transfer and integration of the valuable findings are made considerably easier. Everything can be reactivated independently even after the painting process and become part of your new reality, Very often people report how much joy they feel over and over again looking at their “artwork” and how much positive attention and inspiring conversations it provides.

Visions stay alive. They support new patterns to be installed and changes to be implemented.


Art happens within us. It’s how we perceive the world and how we express ourselves. It’s what becomes visible through us.

Charlotte Nowak

In the Studio

During the Generative Painting Session we use acrylic on canvas. You don’t need any prior experience. What it takes is curiosity, openness, and the joy of creating and experimenting. I convey everything that can be helpful in terms of “painting technique” in the course of painting – exactly what is needed at that moment.

I offer Generative Painting sessions online, in my coaching studio or flexibly in other inspiring locations – in English, French or German.


Generative Painting Formates


More details on all formats and dates on request.


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... a little insight into the generative painting processes with my customers: